
Recommendations for walking around the city in Kimono. Have lunch, a date, and go shopping in kimono. Enjoy wearing kimono with your friends, your husband or wife, your sweetheart, your family, or anyone...

■常有的问题 (FAQ)

■和服租賃預約方法 ( How to make a booking of Kimono experience )

[定期休息(Regular holiday)] 週三(Wednesday)
[平日(Weekdays)] 需要預訂(Reservation required.)
[週末(Weekends)] 無需預訂(No reservation required.)
1.和服出租 - 正常計劃 (Normal plan)
2.和服出租 - 情侶計劃 (Couple plan)

  1. 下載和服租賃預約申請表。
  2. 填寫申請表。
  3. 通過電子郵件發送申請表。
    • 申請目的地 : kimono@kit-suki.com
    • 該電子郵件標題名請註明為 "Kimono experience"
■Rental KIMONO Warakuan
[Add.] 372-4 Kitsuki, Kitsuki-shi, Oita, Japan
[Regular holiday] Wednesday.
[Weekdays] Reservation required.
[Weekends] No reservation required.
[Phone] 0978-63-1210
Open at 10:00, Close at 16:00 ※The last rental reception is at 14:00